We all love to sink into a recliner after a long day, right? It feels like the ultimate comfort. But I’ve seen time and time again with clients that these comfy chairs can quietly be doing more harm than good.
When you lean back in a recliner, (or an old couch with a dip, a soft couch or reclining in bed), it seems like you’re relaxing—but what’s really happening is that pressure shifts onto areas like your pelvis, sacrum, coccyx and piriformis muscles, amongst others.
It might feel okay at first, but over time, this can really throw off your body’s natural alignment.The impact goes deeper than we might think.
Your spine and lower back take the brunt of that misalignment, and that’s often where lower back pain sneaks in.
You might even notice that anxious feeling creeping up, and it’s all connected—because when the body isn’t supported properly, it can mess with your nervous system too.
It’s that subtle discomfort that so many of us don’t even realize is building up.In my years of working with clients, I’ve seen this happen again and again.
And part of the healing journey is becoming aware of these little things in our lives that are affecting us—things we don’t even notice sometimes.
It’s not just about the energy work that brings those deep shifts; it’s also about making simple changes in how we support our bodies, how we adjust our lives, and how we stay aware.
The energy that flows through us is closely tied to our physical bodies. When we put strain on areas like the spine and pelvis, that flow can get disrupted, and we end up feeling a bit “off” inside and out.
Our bodies need balance and support, and it’s amazing how something as simple as sitting can either nurture or disturb that balance.
So, next time you’re heading for the recliner, take a moment to check in with your body. Is it being supported the way it needs? Sometimes just a little shift in awareness can make all the difference in how we feel—inside and out.
Take care of yourself, always.
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